Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Week 8: When the Book? When the Net?

Being in a "technology" world, you would think to find information the best place is the internet. Well that is not always the case. The article sums up when to use a book and when to use the net. The author states, "A student recently asked me where was the best place to learn about the Cuban Missile Crisis on the Internet. I dashed onto the Net full of confidence, having recently located the VIRTUAL LIBRARY for HISTORY. I thought I had a wonderful list of sources which would return hundreds of valuable documents. Not so! More than an hour later I was still wandering around with almost no information to show for my efforts." This sums it up perfectly. It is very easy for us to get caught up in the 21st century technology and think ALL information you can find through the internet. I do not believe that is true. The above quote tells you what books can still offer learning and education. Never give up on books. They will always be there to help, when technology can't.

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